Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the issue that the main focus of a leader is to work for the well-being and the satisfaction of the group members.

The main aim of the leader in an organization is to give the clear direction of the company, and to give protection to its ideas and rules in order to make the creation of goals and aims of the organization. The leaders have the responsibility to conduct groups and make people work in a group and then manage the group effectively through proper leadership. It is very necessary for a leader that if he wants to become a good leader, he should go through proper leadership studies and take leadership trainings. This means that it is very necessary for a leader that he should take the proper training in order to become a good leader (Avolio, 2007, p. 25). As he takes the necessary training and groom himself as a leader, the next step which a leader has to follow is to pick the right members that can create a group, and work in accordance with the company's goals and objectives.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the ability that a person has, and through this ability he influences many people. Leadership is the activity through which the leader can guide the people and group to perform the tasks effectively without any power and authority. The activity of leadership helps the leaders to give the proper guidance to human being and their groups.


It is said that the role of the leader is to work for the well-being and the satisfaction of the group members. In the beginning of the history of civilizations, there was a different concept of authority in which the leader was conceived as a person other than full membership of their environment, with unique gifts, and was surrounded by a magical aura - religious. The need to rise from the leader in the group becomes more evident and real, when the group's goals are much broader and more complex. Therefore, the leader must select their people very carefully to ensure they have the best talent in your group (but that is not enough, do not get a good group together people, all people must be supported (Melbourne, 2003, p. 46). Every man that is not appropriate in his position should be replaced, but that does not mean that man is not productive in another post. Under an executive position, there are many subordinates and the group of people. It is the responsibility of an effective executive or a leader that he should give his subordinates the right tasks and functions. He should give them the job of their capability that can enhance their skills and remove their weaknesses.

The leader is obliged to keep the dream of the group's raison d'être, the reason work together. You have to refresh the target, because at this time of change is very easy to forget ...
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