Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology


Social identity theory

The term social identity is defined by social psychology as a method for distinguishing between two social entities when it is crucial to differentiate between diverse levels or categories of identity. Social identity is defined by numerous theories and models, the approach known as social identity is not limited to social perspective only but it is also implemented by different regulations such as political, economic and scientific regulations. The theory of social identity was introduced by Tajfel, this theory is perceived to be dispersion of different unified groups of socio-psychological theories which are related with the issues like when and why individuals should be identified, and act as part of, communal clusters, adopting mutual thoughts. The theory of social identity is also apprehensive with the issue that what difference it creates at time of encounters between individuals is perceived as encounters between group members. The theory of social identity is therefore concerned with the psychological as well as the sociological features of actions of the clusters. The social identity theory was stated by Tajfel and Turner, Tajfel in his theory confronted the idea that group behavior of individuals living in a particular society can be identified by studying their psyche because behavior of a person is directly linked with psyche of an individual in a particular group. According to this theory an individual like to be in the cliché of another individual only if their behaviors are in harmony with each other. Tajfel and Turner's categorization covered variety of aspects from purely interpersonal, to the purely intergroup. In the theory of social identity each individual in the society is perceived to have a catalog of individuality to them this catalog may pertain to social as well as personal classification. Among the wide range of identities present ...
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