Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology


The psychology social works to identify and define postures or positions taken by individuals, from a social given, systematically studying variations in these reactions according to the change in social environment. Due to its intrinsic close relations with other sciences, social psychology has become a science disciplines. So even comprehend it fully it is necessary to work in groups, where each element dominates part of the whole without losing sight of their place in the set (Smith, 2005).

Social psychology that studies the phenomena has been used as a weapon in the war psychology. Since you can define the effectiveness of the means of propaganda and predispose a society to attitudes or events. Or handle distinctive social features to achieve target specific. Also found are conflicts of conscience, which is to make social psychologist acts as those mentioned above, i.e. set the trend for deformation or management who has studied social behaviors (Buss & Kenrick, 1998).


The social psychologist studies the behaviors that are adopted in the social environment for individuals and societies; arguably the enhancement of possible roles for the social psychologist in a culture presupposes a certain analysis careful lifestyle of the culture being studied. Since understanding the interaction of the individual to society or society itself, should understand the basis of the same company and they are: their culture, their customs and trends or styles.

In another aspect, we can analyze how effective will the social psychologist in his task, since the justification of the role itself is a great school of thought. For starters, every director depends on the goodwill of the recommended also that the effectiveness of the council derives from the prestige that is accorded to the counselor (Buss & Kenrick, 1998).

So then, it depends the very existence of the council, of the existence of a society which attributes of tasks to its members, likewise in a society where there has been instituted this system of giving attributes, the existence of a definition of council is totally indefinite. It can be deduced then that the social psychologist cannot choose their tasks, but is dictated by the culture where you predetermine the tasks to be performed.

In a study of the various branches that integrate social psychology, one could say that all the materials that form, due to a double plan. On one hand it addresses the issue in the sense of psycho-sociological contributions to the ...
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