Social Policy (Unit 7)

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Social Policy (Unit 7)

Social Policy (Unit 7)



Question 1: The Historical Landmarks2

Question 2: The Impact on Contemporary Social Policies4

Question: 3 The Parliament Key Act processes development and Analysis4

Question 4: Influencing Factors for the Development of Social Policy8

Question 5: Social Policy Implemented By Organizations and Practitioners9

Question 6: The Impact of Social Policy10

Question 7: Impact of a Specific Policy11

Question 8 A Recent Development15

Question 9: The Adaption of Social Policy Initiatives from National Perspectives17


Social Policy


In the Social Policy, the significant landmarks and information regarding social welfare are highlighted in the discussion. The further discussion leads towards the origins of social policy and the processes involved the developing a key Act of Parliament. In the health and social care one needs to identify the impact of policy on the people will be acquired. The development that takes place in health and social policy will be examined. The current approach regarding social health and care policy will be emphasized. Moreover, social policies recent investigations and developments will be highlighted as the discussion proceeds.


Question 1: The Historical Landmarks in the Social Welfare in the History

The major historical landmarks within social welfare in 1945 period depicts that in the 19th century, the role of religion, the charitable sector within the welfare was centre of attention. All over the near the beginning of the twentieth century, Liberalism along with fundamentals of the welfare of British, commenced on to vote for women. In the year, 1901the first study of Seebohm Rowntree's took place in York, and it was related to poverty. In this regard, the city of life was associated with Poverty. In the year 1903 the research on poverty was conducted by Charles Booth's regarding the life and people's labour in London.

Moreover from the year 1906 to 1912 the new liberalism era that has captured free will of the people and made the people free within their living ways. In the year 1906, the meal act on schools was acquired. In the year 1908, the pension act regarding old age was carried out during this year in which pensions were tested after 70 years of age. In the year 1909 the citizens were given a budget in which they had introduced super tax along with abundant allowances which are part of child tax. In the year, 1911the National Insurance Act was carried out, along with the sickness insurance and restricted provisions that are considered for unemployment. In the year 1913 to 1941 the change and development deals with issues separately on an individual basis. Beveridge's Report worked along with the change and development issue, and these issues were operating simultaneously.

However, in the year 1920 the unemployment insurance act in this year was presented and incorporated non-manual workers. In the year 1925, there was an act related to the old age people, the widows, the Orphans, act regarding pension which was contributing to the very first national scheme that worked out for contributing pensions. In the year 1936, there was a broad-spectrum given by ...