Social Policy And Welfare

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Introduction to social policy and welfare

Social policy and welfare


Social policies are the set patterns of rules designed by the state administration according to the prevailing customs (beliefs, values, religion etc.) of the community for their welfare (Spicker. P, 2008).It can also be referred as public policy. The policies concerned primarily with the betterment and stability of peaceful environment for the public. The objective of social policies is to achieve the maximum level of satisfaction of the public by providing them healthcare facilities along with education and social security, though the responsibilities does not ends here the social policies have a long way to go with a sum of diversified social needs.


The social welfare system was operational in the 6th century in the rule of Umar al khattab as second caliph. Later sociologist Auguste Comte and Charles Booth contributed in this area of study. Social policies were in practice by the western countries in the mid of the nineteenth century.Social policies attempt to provide and protect all the basic necessities and rights of the people of every age, from children to adults and adults to older citizens. Though, healthcare, education and security are the key points on the agenda yet these policies are conducive with every phase of social life. The above mentioned key points are of crucial importance as all other needs are associated with these three factors and out of these three; security (law enforcement) is at the top of the list. If we look the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the basic needs are physiological like shelter and food, but when a person achieves this level, the foremost desire is protection (Maslow. A.H, 1954). State policy makers constitute the social policies in such a way that every person achieves the first two steps of Maslow's hierarchy of need.

The social policies include child-care ...
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