Social Policy And Factors

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Social Policy and Factors

Social Policy and Factors


Age, Gender, class and race are very much common social factors that shape the lives and behaviour of young generation in every era of the world. It is proved to be true to some extent that social structure of any society is formed on the basis of sociological aspects inclusive of equalities, inequalities, opportunities, or discrimination faced by youth and children in the adolescent years of life (Heitzeg. A. N., n.d., p. 1). For instance it has been considered as the most common stereotype that gender as male, age mostly under 30, lower class, and black class are more likely to go jail and seen from the suspicious point of views as being criminals or dangerous people. However, the true picture of this philosophy is that anyone can experience the same issue as stated above based upon their brought up and varied experiences in the society (Heckstall, V., 2013, n.d.). As per various studies race, social class, gender and age have remained the foundation stones of various layers of life. These factors formulate the ground for opportunities, represent social inequalities, social identities, and assist in provision of similar base for social activities confrontation. These factors help in forming one's social reactions and deviating responses towards life. As per research it is the youth and children that are considered as the majority of the population of the world


Relationship between social factors and delinquency

Delinquency is referred to as the act of illegal activity and it is referred to as juvenile delinquency in case of adolescent or adults like that of smoking, drinking, taking drugs etc. The factors like gender and class are considered as major factors in shaping youngsters behaviours and attitude. As per records adult females are arrested for committing one out of every four crimes in USA per year and the most violent and aggressive criminal are considered as male in almost every society where as, females are most often ignored in the list of crimes. The news always focuses on the young and black males belonging to a lower class of family with respect to juvenile delinquency such as robbery at a store, snatching valets, etc. The main reason behind it as people in lower class suffer from a lot of hardships as compare to upper class and are always degraded and discriminated with respect to better employment opportunities, and respect in the society which makes them involve in criminal activity to make the both ends meet and this is what youngsters learn from their forefathers and follow it subsequently. However, white young males also commit crimes but always find a way out of the dreadful situation due to the and resources (Heckstall, V., 2013, n.d.).

As per the social policies initiated by the labour and the conservative Liberal democrat government, the main purpose of the youth justice system should be to prevent and guide the youngsters from involving into serious crimes. This system acknowledges both the reasons and consequences ...
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