Social Planning And Development

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Social planning and development

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Social planning and development


The aim and objective of this assignment is to explain the concept of social planning and development and analyze whether social policies that are formulated by the government include the concept of deserving and undeserving with respect to the people and the implications of human service organization and their clients. The assignment will cover social policies of a country and the mechanism which is necessary to develop those policies. The social welfare of the people should be addresses and they should be given relief. This is the main idea behind the social welfare of the people. In every country, policy making is required by the state or government of that country to ameliorate the conditions of the poor masses. Furthermore, administrative, financial and legal measures related to social planning and development will also be discussed. Moreover, the community development challenges faced by different communities will also be included in the whole discussion.

Social policies, development and the concept of deserving and undeserving

The social policies and programs that are formulated by the government cover all the areas which require their immediate attention. The notion of deserving and undeserving is still existent in the social developmental policies that are formulated by the government (Pejovich, 2012). It is related to a specific faction of the society which is deprived of the basic amenities of life. Policy makers put their efforts to bring the standard of life of all the people living in the country on equal footing. Policy making at the national level includes all the factors which are necessary to move the country on the path of success (Jamrozik, 2009). The policy makers articulate their objectives and discuss the issues with the government agencies. By and large, social programs are looked after by non-profit governmental institutions. The government provides the necessary funding for the projects of social planning and development. The related NGO's are required to execute the given projects of social planning and development. The progress of the social projects is reviewed by the government agencies. For example, a banned on smoking adopted by the health board at public places is actually aimed to save people from passive smoking and reduce the smoking in general. Social planning and development is an integral part of the government policy. According to the Jamrozik (2009), Government, while formulating policies, initiate such programs as which can improve the ...
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