Social Performance: Part 2

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Social Performance: Part 2

Social Performance: Part 2

Company Introduction and Code of Conducts

Computer manufacturing company Apple was formed on 1st April, 1976, while the company was registered in early 1977 (O'Grady, 2009). In 1978, the company had got enough initial capital to continue working until its official recognition in December 1980. By 1980, Apple sold more than 130,000 copies of Apple-2. By 1982, there were 14,000 programs written for Apple-2 and Apple emerged as a legislator in the PC market. In addition, the company also took place in the Fortune-500 faster than any other company in the world (Sharma & Grant, 2011). In fact, the company's dominant logic to care about the convenience of users and to focus its activities facilitating the implementation of the operations and the creation of user friendly applications can be seen behind the reputation of Apple (Isaacson, 2012).

Similarly, the importance of Code of Conducts cannot be denied from organizational perspectives as most of the organizations follow well-defined Code of Ethics. The main purpose of this code of ethics in organizations is to guide employees to take better decisions in relation to their everyday activities (Halbert & Ingulli, 2010). In fact, ethics is generally applicable to every aspect of life that teaches employees as well as employers how to react and deal with any particular situation and people connected to it.

The code of conducts influence business and its stakeholders and opinion leaders seeking to restore public confidence in big business (Halbert & Ingulli, 2010). The corporate codes allow every company to play an important role in improving the lives of all its customers, employees and shareholders by sharing with them the wealth they have created. Suppliers and competitors should also expect the company respect its obligations in a spirit of honesty and justice. As responsible citizens of the local, regional, national and global communities in which they operate, the company shares the future with these communities.

Ethical Challenges

In today's rapidly changing business environment most of the businesses prefer to bring their cost down up to a satisfied level in order to compete well in their markets. There is no doubt about the fact that reducing workforce is a common technique that quickly lowers the expenses of an employer (Boone & Kurtz, 2011). However, it is also a reality that decreasing in labor force increases the workload on other employees, where the increased workload does not allow them to give proper time to their families, friends, and personal life. This suggests that employees are facing challenges related to create balance between their professional and personal life (Velasquez, 2006). No one can deny the fact that employers' role is very important in this regard, but it does not mean that en employers should direct their employees about how to manage their personal life.

According to organizational psychologists, employees who are overloaded with work and spend more hours art their workplace usually compromise their abilities to handle pressure and remain unable to deliver productive performance. In addition, this situation is also very ...
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