Social Performance Of Organization

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Social Performance of Organization

Social Performance of an Organization

Introduction of the Company

Our company is a telecommunications one. It is a public company having rights to sale the stocks and securities among the general public. Our company deals with all kinds and sorts of telecommunications applications in the products ranging from cell phones to tablets and laptops.

Stakeholders and their Responsibility

Being a public enterprise and belonging to one of the most blooming industries, telecommunications depends largely on the stakeholders, their relationship and involvement with the company. Stakeholders refer to the people who are important to the organizations in various ways. Best and the most comprehensive definition of the stakeholders is the one given by Freeman. He defines stakeholders as the people or group who have deep and intricate relationship with the organization's processes and productivity. This relationship between the organizations and stakeholders is mutually beneficial. They way stakeholders effect an organization and its processes; organizations also get effected by the stakeholders' demands and pressures (

Over the century, marketplace and the businesses have become global and universal beyond the doubt. There exists a universal belief and understanding that any project depends greatly on the input of the public and the stakeholders. Telecommunications, as a blooming industry requires utmost output from the group of stakeholders. Production and merchandising of the telecommunication products requires a large capital and its marketing costs are high. Because of this, our company relies highly on the stakeholders (

Primary and Secondary Stakeholders

Organizations are not run by one person or a single group of people. Similarly, there is no single group of stakeholders which runs a company or an organization. Stakeholders are also of two different types; either they directly affect the organization or have an indirect relation with the processes, policies and production of a company. Primary stakeholders are the people who can have a direct effect on the business of a company. They include the customer, board of directors, owners and employees of a company. On the other hand, people and groups that do not cast a direct impact on the company, its procedures and productions are known as secondary stakeholders (

Stakeholders serve various purposes in the organizations. Due to their power of direct effect on the organization, in some cases they are in control to direct and affect the strategic objectives. Stakeholders such as government and regulation agencies, trade unions and social groups cast a significant effect on the business. Governmental agencies, for instance, play a key role in the trade and merchandise which subsequently affects the market and production of the organization.

Stakeholders and Our Business

Contemporarily, telecommunications and information technology are amongst the most flourishing businesses around the globe. Input of the cash, its flow, distribution and allotment, in a manner, that does justice to all is the ideal. Stakeholders play a major part in the trade and marketing of any business. Considering the high need of technology and communication globally, our business needs the utmost from its stakeholders.

In order to improve the interest ...
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