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Social Performance

Social Performance


Louie's is a business that earns revenues mainly through the production and sale of car paints. The business operates in all major cities in the state of California. It was established in the year 2008 and has since been quite successful. Sales volume has been impressive while profits have also grown at a steady pace. The main competition that the company faces is from other bigger paint manufacturers like Devoe Paints, Bennette Paints, and Ace Paints. These competitors have enjoyed a bigger share of the target market and employ a much larger workforce. However, a number of other factors have mainly been responsible for the challenges that the business has faced in recent years.


The paint manufacturing industry based in the United States follows set criteria when it comes to conducting business. The codes of conduct related to the disposal of waste material are commonly the most reviewed. This is mainly because a majority of the states of America have strict corporate policies that are meant to ensure that the environment is protected from profit-oriented businesses (Shaw, 2008). Keeping in view the ways in which businesses can affect the environment, stringent labor policies have been imposed by the state for the purpose of making sure that waste material is disposed of in an efficient manner. Needless to say, it is mandatory for business to follow the policies (Jennings, 2012).

In this regard, the business' code of conduct mainly highlights hat it is will be honest with its clients in terms of disposal f waste material. This includes refraining from acting untruthfully and advertising a false image that is aimed at misdirecting and misleading the clients (Shaw, 2008). The protection of the environment is also a major concern of the business and this is also reflected in the policies and codes of conduct.

Analyze How Ethical Challenges Affect Businesses and Creating Codes of Conduct for the Company

The major ethical challenges that affect the business are mainly related to the protection of the environment. The paint manufacturing industry has to deal with a wide range of chemicals. Most of these chemicals are harmful when disposed of into the environment (Jennings, 2012). As a result, the companies involved in this particular industry need to make sure that the policies put in place are done so while also keeping in mind their responsibilities towards the eternal environment.

However, businesses need to invest a certain amount of money in order to install a proper waste disposal system and small businesses that are relatively new to the industry usually lack the capital to make such an investmen (Jennings, 2012)t. Another reason that may discourage paint manufacturers from following proper protocols for the disposal of waste relate to the price of estate. For example, most paint manufacturing businesses would ideally be located in areas where there is a low population density (Jennings, 2012).

This would essentially minimize the risks associated with harmful chemicals that are disposed of into the environment. However, owing to the price of real estate, Louie's is located ...
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