Social Order

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Social Order

Social Order


Social order refers to social institutions, structures and practices which enforce and maintain different ways of behaving and relating. This concept of social order explains why and how this social order exists in this society to maintain stability and law and order. This theory about social order was explained by different sociologists according to their own perspective. Discussion

Sociologists like Rowell Huesmann and Hall have brought about their own theories about how social order takes place. In social sciences, social order has always remained a theoretical issue. This problem arises because we as human beings are both social and individual. The problem is that we are not living alone on a personal planet where we alone could judge ourselves. There is no one to stop us from doing anything. Every person has its own problems that distinguish one from the other. Therefore to establish social order, people must be coordinating their actions and should be able to cooperate so they can achieve a common goal.

However, there are times when one cannot attain social order even with the presence of expectation stability. For instance Afghanistan and its population still prove to provide stable expectations even with the presence of frequent violence and instability in the country due to terrorism and other threats. It is because the Afghanis have a strong will and power to face all these kinds of threats on a daily basis no matter life is too difficult. Therefore, sociologists believe that people should coordinate amongst each other in a perfect manner in order to maintain stability and carry out activities that help to interact in a productive manner. Social order can only be maintained if cooperation takes place in an efficient manner as it helps people to work together for the same goal. For instance, a football team can only win in a presentable manner if the whole team strives to perform with unity and discipline and mutual understanding, instead of being played in a style where an individual shows selfishness by concentrating on individual scoring.

Furthermore, Huesmann explains how people do not contribute for the betterment of society e.g. donating funds for National parks or local schools in their vicinity. They only believe that others will help , and they will sit and watch and would still enjoy the benefits (Olson 1965). At this point, the question arises that how can coordination and cooperation be promoted? To this the answer is by making assumptions about human nature. Most sociologists believe that making assumptions about human nature is the key idea to bring change and maintain social order in humans. For instance, if people are more inclined to work and are showing a work oriented attitude then social order can be maintained by bringing in cooperation and coordination amongst each other.We believe that in United States of America, politicians require the best out of their country.

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