Social Networks

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Social media and social networks have changed the way we communicate and work in organizations

Social media and social networks have changed the way we communicate and work in organizations


This paper will wrap numerous aspects of social media and social networks; the impact of both of these tools of communication on organizational structure and its internal and external environment along with the workforce.


The ways of interaction among people in which they share information, also create and exchange it along with ideas in implicit communities and networks is often known as Social Media. Many scholars defined it as; a collection based on the ideological and technological basics of web 2.0 of internet based applications that allow user based sharing of content generation. Moreover, the term social media also rely upon mobile and web based technologies so that highly interactive stages can be created in order to generate, share, co relates, adapt and confer all the user generated content. Social media had introduced the enveloping and considerable changes to communication between individuals, communities and organizations (Zuboff & Maxim, 2002, n.d). It also distinguishes from conventional industrial media in various aspects such as usability considered as most important one then reach, frequency, immediacy and durability. On the same side, social media has also reflected as an umbrella which protects number of online media which is sharing records of online media advertising information to a bulk community.

On the other side, social media is also demonstrated as a collection of individuals which are joined together with each other through this platform as they share common interests. Whereas, if a social composition is made up of a set of social actors which mainly includes organizations and individuals and a set of dyadic knots between these clusters is normally refers as Social Network. These networks perceptions provides them a set of procedures for analyzing the configuration of entire social bodies as well as numerous numbers of theories explains the prototype observed in these social structures (Zuboff & Maxim, 2002, n.d). In order to study these structures, the study uses social network analysis to recognize social and global prototypes, places influential bodies and also scrutinizes network dynamics.

The social network analysis is considered as none of the most profound paradigms in the modern sociology, and is also engaged in numbers of other social and formal branches of sciences. It forms part of the budding field of network science by merging together with other complex networks. In a more deep discussion, formal organizations are considered as social groups that distribute tasks for various groups in order to achieve a collective goal (Zuboff & Maxim, 2002, n.d). Moreover, the network research on organizations may focus on either intra organizational or inter organizational knots in provisions of formal or informal relationships.

Social media and social network doesn't only have an immense impact on the nature of communication but it has also influenced the management system of various organizations. Both of these tools are often carried as “word of mouse” instead of ...
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