Social Media Use Among Adolescents

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Social media use among adolescents

Usage of Social media among adolescents


In the age of new social media technologies and internet, change has occurred in how people interact with each others, how they tend to organize and define their world and a huge change has been seen in technology itself. Group of all ages are in a variety of stages of evolution in regard to the use of new social media. Researches are being carried out on adolescents and their new social media used at home as well as in schools. It is essential to study the new social media use as it reveals a lot about how the communication patterns are evolving and changing as adolescents slot in social media flawlessly into their lives.

In this era the adolescents completely rely on the internet for educational resources and entertainment. Growing up in a world of constantly developing new technologies is unique as they have acquired this skill from others; using social media is not a consciously learned experience for adolescents.

Adolescents communicate with each other's via cell phones, but not in conventional ways, they don't use cell phone as a voice technology instead the cell phones are being used primarily for texting and to have an internet access where instant messaging services and face booking keeps them indulged all the time. Adolescents usually acquire skill quickly and soak them in like sponges.

Lenhart (2009) added that (Lenhart, 2009):

It is very hard to sort out who owns what technology in a household, for parents and the adolescents. Mp3 players and cell phones are heavily and personalized devices and it belongs to one individual. The families conceived the game related a device which usually belongs to children in the house hold, where as the PC's belongs both to the adults and adolescents collectively.

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