Social Media Strategy For Hiv/Aids

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Social Media Strategy for HIV/AIDS

Social Media Strategy for HIV/AIDS


United states need to develop mass media campaigns for the prevention of HIV/AIDS among the African American adolescents below the age of 25 years. Due to disproportionate transmission through heterosexual contact the rate of incidents of HIV is greater in African Americans as compared to white Americans (Palmgreen P, Noar SM, Zimmerman RS.2008).

However, a very small group of adolescents represent the case, but they are growing faster in the United States. The majority of the people were found black while diagnosis of HIV in the country (Hall HI, Song R, Rhodes P, et al.2008). . As the media has got the grip on the minds of adolescents in America, it can be the best way to create awareness about the prevention of HIV to reduce incident rate. Mass media has a wider reach and can be targeted to the African American adolescents.


General mass media campaigns are not effective in the United States especially for African Americans adolescents because problems have been occurred in isolation of media effects in multi components interventions. Moreover, the programs for the prevention of HIV among the adolescents are conducted in the schools and small group counseling in United States. It needs to be conducted on higher levels due to the increasing rate of the victims of HIV among African American adolescents (Noar MS. 2009).

Earlier, they believed that personal interactions could play an effective role rather than the media message through trainings, face-to-face interactions, modeling and rehearsals. In this report, a more advanced approach for creating awareness about the prevention of HIV is discussed. They emphasize on the behavior change of the African Americans like using condoms in youth who are at risk of sexually infected transmission (STIs) including HIV (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2001).

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