Social Media Platforms

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Social Media Platforms

Executive Summary

The social media play a very important role in the building the image and reputation organizations. This has caused millions of organizations to use various social media platforms to enhance their brand image and increase its brand awareness. The companies engage the customers in various activities to keep them connected to the company. Samsung is also utilizing various social media platform to connect with the consumers. The social media platforms that the company uses are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Samsung has launched an eitirely redesigned consumer website in whose purpose is to being the conversation regarding the company to their own website. Along withthese changes, the comoany has also introduced gamification to its website to incrase the consumer traffic towards the company's website. The company also introduced a social media campaign called the Useless Bid to promote one of its product in India.

According to the social currency wheel, the social diemsions have greatly affected the company as it tries to continuously involve the customers in various activities on the social media to make the cosumers stay in touch with the company. Through the presence on the social media, the company is able to increase awareness of its products among the customers. It has also increased its brand loyalty by enhancing the reputation of the company because of the continuous participation with the customers.

Executive Summaryi



Social Media Usage of Samsung2

Purpose of using These Social Platforms4

Enhancing the Company's Reputation and Increase in Brand Awareness through Social Media Application5

Effectiveness of Employed Social Media Platform5

Engaging of Customers by Samsung6

Adopting All Kinds of Social Media Platforms7




Social Media Platforms


Since its inception as an export business in Korea, the company has grown into one of the world's leader in electronics companies. The company tool great advantage of the digital age and availed the opportunity to become the leaders in the industry of digital technology. Their commitment to be the best has enabled the company to have the highest market share globally for thirteen of their product including LCDs, mobile phones and semiconductors. Samsung has focused on trying to make the world a better place through its diversified businesses that include semiconductors, advanced technology, plant construction, fashion, petrochemicals, hotels, finance and others (

Its main flagship company is Samsung Electronics which is the market leader in digital media and manufacturing of high-tech electronics. The company has been taking the world towards new direction through innovative product and services that are reliable, and collaboration with the customers and partners. Samsung is a digital leader that has many companies. It is also an ethical business. The company's approach towards business, people and products is placed at the highest standards to contribute effectively to make the world a better place. Samsung's net sales were $247.5 billion in year 2012. While their net income for Year 2012 was $18.3 billion (


Social Media Usage of Samsung

Samsung has launched a completely redesigned Consumer Website. According to the Social Media manager of Samsung Esteban, the main purpose of this website ...
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