Social Media Marketing

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing


The social media marketing is the process of acquiring the consumers' attention through the social media outlets. It usually focuses on creating the content striking to attract and induce audience to share it within their social networks. Hence, the social media outlets are the accessible platforms which approach greater audience through internet. The marketers are now utilizing this platform increasingly to foster their brand awareness. In addition to it, the social media is relatively an inexpensive yet most effective platform for the business people to implement their marketing campaign through it.

Organizations are actively turning on to social media outlets on the hunt for new customers, connect with the industry, spread their marketing messages, and increasing the awareness of their brands. Hence, there are found to be thousands of influential sites for social media marketing however, the businesses are actively using the websites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Face Book, YouTube, answers. Yahoo, and yelp for approaching customers directly as they know that they will be having the extreme customer traffic over these web outlets (Duermyer, 2013). The study intends to expound the role of social media marketing through using the social media outlets in increasing the awareness of company's brand. The web is used to create an effective persona for the businesses to promote the brands.


In the contemporary business world, the technology is considered as the essence of everything and it is actively utilized in each and every industry in order to leverage their businesses. Hence, the social media marketing has become the key tool for the advertising strategies of organization. This is because the businesses have evaluated the increasing trend and popularity of using the social media websites by the majority of people. This increasing rate of social media has also provided the businesses with the new ground for pursuing their marketing activities in order to attract people by using the social media websites. There are myriad of avenues available for the companies to market their products and services. Numerous companies have achieved the edge in their businesses with the effective use of social media marketing.

The social media marketing has obtained the large increase over the last few years. According to Stelzner (2012) that ninety four per cent of marketers employ social media marketing approach in their addition to their other marketing activities. This is found that the social media marketing is highly beneficial approach to majority of the businesses.

The social media marketing focuses on influencing the power content in elevating the number of their customer base drastically. According to Kurtz (2012) that Pepsi has effectively utilized the approach of social media marketing in increasing the customer base as well as increasing the market share. Pepsi is found to have the strong handle over the social media marketing where it enjoyed myriad of key benefits of employing the social media. It has been performing an astounding job in keeping its customer base engaged in its business. The trick which Pepsi has recently ...
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