Social Media At Workplace

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Social Media at Workplace

Social Media at Workplace


The emergence of Social media has transformed many aspects of our life, with its ever growing popularity; social media have shifted the paradigms of our social and work life. It is role at the workplace is highly prominent, provided that, there are crystal clear usage policies satisfying the legal framework.

Development of an organization depends on different pillars; some of them are quite well know and other complement at the backend: to name just a few, HRM, branding, public relations, & communication and accessibility. The effectiveness of all these aspects makes an organization grow more than others, and social media are a tremendous platform for all these dimensions to break the traditional records of growth and hence to achieve wider popularity. The drawbacks of technology, as a matter of fact do exist, but these shortcomings can be minimized through effective usage policy via focusing more towards overall organizational goals.

Usage of social media can enhance the productivity of organization in terms of greater customer loyalty, improve product knowledge, enhanced employee morale and most importantly increased market penetration.

Thesis Statement

Social media at work place plays a vital role for organizational development from different perspectives: branding, public relations, HR, communication & accessibility,


Social networking is becoming an integral part of our society and is used by many businesses to enhance relations with their employees and customers. Social networking can be of two types: namely, enterprise social networking or a consumer social networking or both, depending on the nature of the business. Without any doubt, both of these types of social networking carry massive benefits and meagre drawbacks if not effectively manage. The impact of social networking at the workplace and departmental functions namely: HRM, branding, public relations, communication and accessibility are very pivotal if carried in proper direction under vigilance (Awolusi, 2012).

Human Resource Management

Social media can is truly helpful for human resource department. It plays different roles, thus maximizing the efficiency and reducing the time. As the first step for human resources starts at recruitment, and the social media provide enormous benefits in this domain. Jobs can be placed on professional social networks such as LinkedIn, and people belonging to specific industry can be filtered out. Unlike traditional recruitment process, social media provides a more insight regarding the candidature of an applicant. A recruiter can have a better idea of a job applicant by observing professional profile on social networks, than reviewing the resume (Segal, 2012).

In the HR domain, social media can also have a positive impact over training and development; in fact, social media are the effective medium to conduct employees' trainings. This medium, besides saving time and improving effectiveness, can also helps in reducing physical training cost. Employee recognition is the non monetary benefits, which seems to have a highly low impact but in reality give a boost to employee morale, and social media are the best platform to recognize the performance of employees. Based on performance, best performers can be ...
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