Social Media At Work Reduces Workplace Stress - Social Media At Work Causes Employees To Lose Focus

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Social Media at Work Reduces Workplace Stress - Social Media at Work Causes Employees to Lose Focus

Social Media at Work Reduces Workplace Stress - Social Media at Work Causes Employees to Lose Focus


As the world is continuously changing, the workplace is getting tougher day by day due to which stress on employees is increasing. At the same time, the world is getting more inclined towards social media as it occupies an important part of the lives of most individuals. Social media is a means by which people get to interact with each other and spend their time relaxing and thus releasing some of their stress (Sartain & Katsarou, 2011). This aspect of social media has given people the idea that if employees use social media at work, their stress would be reduced and hence they could perform better. There are also opposing views to this since social media is very attractive and may actually lead to be a distraction for the employees. This paper sets to analyze the thesis statement that “Social media at work reduced workplace stress but it causes employees to lose focus”.


It is normal to be under stress at the workplace but there are limits to everything. Excessive stress can lead to a negative impact on the emotional health, physical abilities, and productivity. Everything in the work environment cannot be controlled but this does not mean that the individual is powerless. In order to manage stress, the first thing that needs to be managed is the person himself. This would reduce the stress and hence help to make the situation more manageable. The ability to manage stress is a must for every individual so that work may be enjoyed. However, coping up with and managing stress is not an easy task due to which several people are unable to manage. Therefore, the responsibility of helping employees manage their work stress falls on the manager as well as the human resource department.

Troubled Economy

One of the most stressful things in today's world is “layoffs”. The economic situation of the entire world is uncertain due to which employees are constantly under stress of losing their job. The slowing economic conditions have led organizations to result in cost cutting measures such as laying-off employees and increasing the work of the retained employees. Since the workplace stress is constantly high in today's world, there is a dire need to effectively manage workplace stress as it would lead to better productivity (Geneva: International Labor Office, 2012). During the past few years, the US economy has driven several people below the poverty line due to a shortage of jobs and ever increasing population. This has caused people to value their jobs more and has also led employers to make their employees to do additional work in order to retain their jobs.

Social Media to the Rescue

In order to reduce the stress of employees, there is a need to change their mind set and make them relax during their work. The best way to do this is ...