Social Media And Pr Disasters

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Social Media and PR Disasters

Social Media and PR Disasters


In this global age when things have become just a click of mouse away, many conventional business promotion practices too experienced technological transformations. With the advent of social media online clientele, the conventional business activities have also changed. Understanding the requirements of the digital age, many brands have shifted focuses towards online mediums such as Social media platforms to promote their businesses (Horton. L. J, 2013). It also serves as a quick feedback tool for advertisers and the manufacturers so as to evaluate the customer's interest in their particular service and brand. Since Newspapers and magazines have become problematic in this technological arena, Newspapers, magazines and radio are withering. The growing rate of social media consumption has led the PR practitioners of big Brands, Celebrities, and Services to accept and utilize the various social mediums as their promotion tool. The sensation of these social mediums has not just affected the youth in fact the horizon of its users and the purposes enjoy a dynamic range. Taking over the world in just 5 years tits has clouded the skies for many other conventional mediums (Sniderman, S. 2011). Several Independent researches have been conducted in the previous years which indicate the shift of businesses from TVC's to Social Media teasers and enjoying a heave in revenue generation. However every blessing in this digital age involves certain risk factors, which if ignored, can result into serious business disasters. In this paper, we aim to discuss the PR disasters of Social Media and the possible ways to combat them.


The several Social mediums which bless the world with the wide range of their benefits, have involved certain risks as well (Horton. L. J, 2013).

The online monitoring tools on social media allows an individual to converse online ...
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