Social Media

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Social Media

Social Media


With the advancement of technology, media, producing large impacts seen in today's society, these impacts that cause constant concern. With its technological structures the media impose its large message flow ideological conformism and causing mass manipulation. Many media outlets as they present themselves today, nothing if not serve to mask the reality and perpetuate their present state. In addition, the objectivity in human relationships, which takes all ideological ornamentation among men, became itself an ideology to treat men as things. Unfortunately, technological devices are made not to think but just to work and live in activism in which it is impossible autonomy and emancipation (Barry, 2011).

This paper discusses various aspects of topics related to businesses utilizing social media. The first two topics it addresses relates to how a very well managed business might hire a legally astute social media marking manger that will practice the four components that significantly mitigate risks related to doing business on the Internet. Next it will highlight the need for businesses to be prepared to handle occasional consumer disputes. With the increase of consumer transactions online many believe the federal government may need to effectuate regulations to handle consumer transactions on social media across state lines. The paper examines the three branches of government and discusses which can effectuate the most significant impact on regulating consumer transactions via social media outlets. Finally it explains the relationship that exists on social media sites between the social media provider and businesses that utilize the site for advertising" .

Cyber Security and organizations

Organizations that change passwords and security configuration manually give more time of their help desks telling the users with new passwords inquiries rather than dealing with serious issues related to network of the company. In various organizations, the employees experience this difficulty with the operating systems that their access criteria changes without informing them. The passwords must be updated and changed with time because it keeps the account safe from unauthorized access by any other person. There are also several issues, which relate with the cyber securities such as mail, fax and credit card, debit card and online money transfer. The organizations have the issues of loss of data and theft of secret data from storage. The term computer security directs towards the implementation to secure operating systems. There are lots of solutions available for this issue, but the people are not aware with its uses. There are lots of antiviruses available to keep the system safe from hacking or other possible risks of online hacking. The fire-walls produce anti access tools from external users. This blocks the access of unauthorized persons who tries to access any other's computer. This usually enables the hacker from the malicious viruses that come from online researches and visiting websites. Spyware are designed to secretly monitor the computer activities (ICO, 2013). Through this spyware the personal data including credit card details, baking credentials and passwords can be stolen for hackers. Anti spyware helps to protect and monitor the ...
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