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Social Media in Entertainment



The Management Theory1

The Management Practices in Social Media2

The Damaging Aspects of Entertainment & the Social Media3

The Real Aim of Social Media4

The Entertainment Applications5



Social Media in Entertainment


Social media has transformed into social entertainment with the modernization of technology based environment. The use of internet has been a second source to the users after the television. This has weakened the trust of the people in the entertainment industry. According to the research conducted in the UK and the USA, a major portion of the people has moved from the television to the internet for the sake of entertainment. However, it depends that the internet is playing a devastating role towards the entertainment industry. The consumers are although accessing this free source of entertainment, but still they are not willing to rely on such a source in terms of providing them their personal information whenever needed (Mackay, 2010).


The role of social media in the entertainment sector is facing certain scenarios related to the negativity and problematic concerns. This paper is aimed to conduct a review of the literatures related to its impacts and aftermaths on the entertainment industry with the variations in the cases of social media.

The Management Theory

The deviation in the industry of entertainment in social media has caused severe corporation reputational risks in terms of threats and dangerous aftermaths towards the strategic management of organization. The business environment in mediation is greatly involved between the management issues in social media. There is a critical aspect regarding the follow up of ambient strategies of marketing in the social media. This strategic marketing involves the reputation of the organization and the social media and also the stakeholders (Aula, 2010).

The ambient strategy means providing a speaking ability to the advertising campaigns in the world market. It provides a greater deal of profit especially in case of near points of purchasing, providing good deal of incentives. If the management is well planned and motivated towards the original tasks, the brand image is enhanced further. These are effective in the activation of the needs. Ambient strategies are needed to consider the mediums involved in the advertising. There is also the impact of consumer's interest in the successful implementation of the brand on the basis of their decisions and reliance (Blythe, 2006).

The Management Practices in Social Media

The trends in social media have raised the risks in terms of reputation with expanding the spectrum of risks dynamics. The impacts of the social media are also notable in the field of strategic corporations, which are profitable towards the modern environment of business. This whole area of mediation has impacts on the organizational level, including the stakeholders and creating a narrative web of reputation. This web needs to be unified for achieving positive impacts. However, its impacts are seen to be dangerous and harmful towards the environment in social media (Aula, 2010).

The Damaging Aspects of Entertainment & the Social Media

The involvement of Mass media in the run of entertainment under the recognition of private models ...
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