Social Media

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Social Media

Social Media


Social Media, today, has become a phenomenon. Needless of any introduction, the Social Media has become more of a discussion subject. Its rapid penetration in a society like the United Kingdom has opened horizons for an internet user to stay tuned to all the advancement and discussions prevailing globally. As defined, it is a set of Internet-based applications based on the interest of an individual or a community either ideologically or technologically. It allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content. The Term referring to the World as a Global Village, has no doubt proved in a true sense, after the launch of the variety of social mediums such as Face book, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flicker and the list goes on.


Initially Social Media was just a term, but today, with such marvels in the field of technology, the Social Media has turned out to be more of a household terminology in the UK society. Serving as an effective interaction tool that enables an individual to communicate through a particular platform, it also serves as a stage where people from different age groups come together and exchange information and ideas with virtual communities forming a network based on their interests. Be it Videos, Online Games, Music, International News, Technological Advents, Business Shifts or Interaction with new people, all is just a click away. Starting off in 1994, the Social Media was initially formed for social networking with a network called Geocities. This network focused on bringing people together through chat rooms where they exchanged ideas through personal web pages.

Time flies and so does the blessings it offers to the mankind. Entering the new century meant development in the field of social networking also. The internet usage became more of an area of interest rather than just being the source of information. With the launch of different social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn, (which are the most commonly used mediums), the usage of internet experienced an overall change. Initially it was more of a medium of interest for the youth, but at present, the list of consumers has also changed and so are the impacts of the Social media on the life of an average UK Citizen. Face book being considered as one of the biggest Social Media Network in Britain, is used by 33 million people, an average half of the country's population. The growth rate has increased three times if compared to the previous statistics and expected to surpass the United States.

Changing lives

Social Media has profoundly changed our lives and the way we communicate with people around us. Today, the social media have a varied range of impacts. These impacts range from age group to gender contributing to an overall change in the lives as a family and an individual. The impact it imposes to an adult might vary from that it imposes on children. According to a communications watchdog Ofcom, the demographics of the average social media user in United Kingdom ...
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