Social Justice In Elementary Education

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Social Justice in Elementary Education

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Social Justice in Elementary Education

Article # 1: Facing the Consequences: An Examination of Racial Discrimination in U.S. Public Schools

Schools and colleges that receive federal funds must operate without discriminating when it comes to race, color, or nationality. Discrimination has been a serious concern for corporations even today for all of us to succumb and see. The gap in educational attainment between pupils from different social classes is significant at the end of elementary school, which means that the school does not play at all a work of equalization in that it fails to correct the inequality departure. Perhaps not much can happen, because despite the sermons and declarations of good intentions, the school is not built for this purpose and is not equipped to achieve it. The school thus penalizes the weakest students (if not them, that psychologically) and rewards the strong.

Discrimination can be define as treating people less favorably than others due to factors relating to race, color, gender, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, age, and religion. Therefore, in an educational institution it is the duty and responsibility of a teacher to ensure that these discrepancies should be removed for the classroom and all students must be treated equally. One of the strong methodological issues in comparative studies is the construction of equivalence, i.e., the event that the instrument measures the same latent trait in all groups, or nations and cultures ". In the case of "ethnic" and "race" there are serious obstacles to the construction of such comparative rankings across countries and a wide range of concepts are currently used to describe ethnic / racial composition of the population as an ethnic group, ethnicity, socio-cultural group, race, nationality , origin, social origin, nationality, and others. Discrimination is a form of passive violence, becoming, at times, this attack in a physical fight. Designate who discriminate differential treatment or less in terms of rights and social considerations of individuals, organizations and states. They make the difference either by skin color, ethnicity, sex, age, culture, religion or ideology. Therefore teachers should be encouraged to maintain equality in their classes, conducts, learning and in other associations with the students.

The manner in which an institution of higher education carries out its recruitment and retention efforts can serve as an instrument of institutional racism, whether intentional or unintentional. Any person can be subject to discrimination resulting from the formulation of institutional policies, rules, and regulations. However, when policies, rules, and regulations, or the lack of them, reflect seriously on people of color in a disparate manner, one can speculate that institutional racism may exist (Rebecca, Della, Terry, 2000).

Article # 2: The Effect of Child Characteristics on Teachers' Acceptability o f Classroom-Based Behavioral Strategies and Psychostimulant Medication for the Treatment of ADHD

Students all around the world strive to achieve their goals and excel academically. Unfortunately, then there are those students which struggle on a daily basis with their grades and academic who has conditions like ...
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