Social Interaction And Cognitive Growth

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Social Interaction and Cognitive Growth

Social Interaction and Cognitive Growth


A social interaction is a relationship between individuals. It is the most important area of concern for the social scientists. It requires the research and observation of the behaviour and psychology of the community and society. With the social interaction another essential aspect of the individuals arises; it is dealing with the cognitive development of human intelligence. It is basically deals with the individuals and their ability to acquire knowledge, and to use it. There are various researches being conducted on the social interaction among various individuals and its impact on their cognitive growth and development. Social interaction is sometimes become vital in the cases of handling disabilities. The most common example is the use of social interaction for those who have problems like being, deaf, dumb and blind. The loss of any sense either by birth or by accident becomes difficult to handle as compare to other physical disabilities. Recent researches have proved the theory of mind task to be very essential and helpful in to make the significant contributions and advancement in the increase and development of metal ability of such individuals. One of these researches is conducted by Mary Howley and Christine Howe, which is to explore and the social interaction and its effect and usefulness for the cognitive development through analysing and examining the “role-taking skills of deaf and hearing children”.

Thesis statement

Mary Howley and Christine Howe provide the examination of social interaction and its relation with cognitive development of deaf and hearing children to prove their hypothesis.


Details of the Paper “Social interaction and cognitive growth: An examination through the role-taking skills of deaf and hearing children”, it is the title of the research paper presentenced by Mary Howley and Christine Howe. This was first published in the “British Journal of Developmental Psychology” in the month of June in the year 2004. It was printed in Volume 22 and Issue 2, from page number 219- 243.

Topic of the Paper

Topic of the paper is the Social interaction and cognitive development with the examination and comparison of the deaf and hearing children by the use of role taking skills. The topic of the paper clearly reveals the importance of social interaction and its comparison in the deaf and hearing children, which reveals its vitality for both. Either the children are hearing or deaf they need social interaction in their cognitive development.

Objective of the Paper

The main objective of the paper was to use the theory of mind task in analyzing the need of social interaction in the cognitive development of children. This research shows the various possibilities that can be happen with the skills and techniques of using the theories of social interaction in enhancing the mental ability of children. This research not only highlights the benefits of these interactions in normal children but also the need of it for the improvement in the cognitive development of the children who lack their capability of hearing. This proposal also presents the observation and consequences of the hypothesis that made the ...
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