Social Inequalities And Social Work

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Social Inequalities and Social Work

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Patch One3

The Causes of Social Inequalities and Injustice3

Social Determinants of Heath and Implications of Social Work5

Social Policies to Promotion of Well-Being of Vulnerable Children and Adults10

Patch Two12

Relevant Social Policies to Promotion of Well-Being of Vulnerable Children and Adults12

Different Interventions to Promote the Well-Being of Service Users and Their Families and the Impact of Stigma and Discrimination in Relation to Professional Social Work Practice13

Use of Principles to Promote Anti Discriminatory, Anti-Oppressive and Anti-Racist Practice16



Social Inequalities and Social Work


The issue of social inequalities have been documented widely since several past decades, whereas the state government of different countries has been taking initiatives which have made substantial improvements in social inequalities over the period, but there are health inequalities that have been difficult and persistent to change. Furthermore, issues of inequalities in social and health have been identified in the society as unacceptable and are expected to be continued in subsequent generations. Social inequalities are considered difficult to be altered because these inequalities are becoming the part of society. This prevailing issue has been becoming a top priority for several state authorities.

However, during the twentieth century the health of populations have been improved markedly but at the same time in the beginning of twenty first century these states have also faced considerable health inequalities (Whitehead & Burström , 2000, pp.255-270). The issue of social inequality has gained significant consideration of several institutes of social work. This essay is also an effort to divert the attention of these state authorities towards this serious concern, in which the causes of social inequalities and social injustice has been discussed in detail. In addition the social policies for the prevention of these issues will be explained. Furthermore, social policies in relation to the promotion of health and well being and removal of social inequality will be discussed.


We are living in the era of the great inequality and the great divergence. A time that the crisis have dramatized, made visible and amplified. These views have been repeatedly expressed by several authors from the field of social work, economics and history. The inertial view of history is seen as an unstoppable advancement towards ever greater freedom, rights, equality and welfare (Victora , Schellenberg & Habicht , 2003, pp.233-241). It can be observed from the growing social inequalities that have also increased the gap between an increasingly small minority and the social majority, income, wealth, inclusiveness, opportunities, access to resources, welfare, influence in the political process and power.

Figure: Social Inequality

Source: Wood & Gina, 2008

Patch One

The Causes of Social Inequalities and Injustice

In 1900's, the term of social inequality was which was an indication towards the countries facing food shortages, life expectancy is short, educational facilities are very low and there are very serious health inequalities and problems. These countries have unstable governments and social inequality in them is huge: a minority of the population is rich and a majority live in conditions of extreme poverty. According to Donkin ,Goldblatt & Lynch (2005, ...
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