Social Inclusion

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Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion


Keeping in view of the society we live in, it is necessary to understand and comprehend the role of each and every individual that exists in the society. Unfortunately, in the name of technology, development, expansion and growth, it becomes evident that individuals have failed to value how important individuals are in our world today.

For this paper, our basic understanding and comprehension revolves around the concept of social inclusion. This would focus and concentrate upon the people that not only made way for a better understanding and comprehension of social inclusion and the ways in which it influences the people and how does it influence and affect them as individuals. It is eminent to mention here that there are several concepts and issues that have to be highlighted and properly explained in order to understand the processes of society and the ways of dealing with them, with social inclusion being one of the most essential one, which would be highlighted and explained in the following paragraphs:


The Concept of Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion can be defined and understood in multiple numbers and ways. However, to understand the concept on a contemporary tone, social inclusion regards the induction of different people into the society, who have literally been demarcated and looked down upon within a society. It should be taken into account that there are various forms and methods of creating differences and discriminations in the society, with religion, social status, educational background and skin color being the most prominent and prevailing ones.

A very large population can fall under the category of social inclusion. It may cover old-age people who have been set to care homes and centers in order for others to take care of them. It could cover homosexual individuals who have been looked down in their own household and been practically condemned by the society altogether. Finally, it could count upon the people who have been outcast due to a certain medical condition such as cancer, drug addiction, or HIV (Miller & Katz, 2002). It should be noted that according to recent researches and studies, a number of diseases and problems that were previously considered contagious have now been declared as the opposite, and hence it has been proved that there are no chances of individuals getting those diseases by merely getting in touch with the patient. However, due to the prevailing concepts and the concept of social exclusion (opposite of social inclusion), these individuals are still considered social outcast and every attempt is made to keep them away from the general public. It has been observed that majority of the people refrain from getting in touch with these individuals, thus causing them to lose self confidence as well as the hope to live. Social inclusion implies that these should be treated like other normal human beings and attempts should be made to allow them to feel comfortable and contented. It is due to the same reason that the concept of social inclusion is meant ...
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