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Social Identity

Social Identity


Autism is a neural disorder which is characterized by damaged social communication and is found as repetitive behavior. The signs and symptoms that becomes apparent before three years old of child. Autism affects the processing system of information in the brain by changing in the nerve cells. When autism is occurred, it is not properly well understood. Somehow like autism the other two similar disorders are lacks in cognitive development and language of a child and also pervasive development disorder.

Most of the theories showed that autism has a strong genetic basis although the explanation is highly complex. I some cases, it is also observed that autism is connected with elements which cause birth defects. It is also revealed that the autism causes may include some environmental factors like heavy metals, over dose of childhood vaccines and pesticides. The occurrence of cases with autism is around 2 or 3 per 1000 children worldwide. It is reported that the number of people with autism is being increased drastically since year 1980.

Parents of children with autism observe the signs of autism in the initial first two years of child's age. The signs and symptoms are usually develop slowly however some autistic children grow normally in early ages and then go back to the disease. Early behavior of the people around autistic children may help in developing communication skills, although it is also noticed that some cases have been recovered from the disease. People with autism are not used to live independently until their adulthood. Some individual perception regarding autistic patients are that they are not disable but the slow learners.



Autism is typically a neuron developmental disease that first occurs during infancy or childhood. The apparent symptoms come into observation mostly after the age of 6 ...
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