Social Ethics

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Social Ethics

Social ethics

1. Negritude by Léopold Sédar Senghor

After World War II, Négritude is a term much used in Europe and Africa. It encompasses the uprising in opposition to values of colonialist, reverence of the African past, and reminiscence for the exquisiteness and concordance of long-established African society. The president of the African Republic of Senegal- Leopold Sedar Senghor also elaborated the notion of Negritude in his poems and writings, declined the classical view of white/black that races can be contradictory. He believed that there could be difference among races but there is no such inferiority or antagonism among races. It was believed by Leopold Sedar Senghor that certain distinguishing and instinctive characteristics, values and aesthetics are shared by every African. Elucidation of Negritude by Senghor has turned out to be the most comprehensible definition and a paragon for other writers.

Senghor envisioned negritude to assess imperialism and colonialism critically. He considered it as a doctrine of life and a philosophy for African unity.

The philosophy of Negritude is the intellectual rephrasing of the entire array of responses of the black peoples' world against foreign tyranny, dehumanizing imposition of color-complex and also the upshot of the remarkable process of self-identification of a great people. The essential human values of man are fundamentally projected by Negritude, surpassing all superficial obstacles that segregate human beings and thus gives the entire system of European values the deep six, which remained firm for colonialism and committed pitiless victimization of fellow-individuals taking over a better position to themselves. The oneness of mankind is therefore emphasized by Negritude.

Negritude- The Basis of a Global Ethics

The unity of humankind is propagated by Negritude which provides a basis of a global ethics. The movement and poetry of Senghor was formally intended to abridge the gap between the worlds of colonized and colonizer. But later on, he began extending a more global relevance of negritude as an exemplar for global civilization; accordingly his putting up of the term civilization universal. Racism is a global phenomenon and particularly in those areas of the world that experienced the catastrophe of colonialism or imperialism and thus negritude, despite great geographical distances, provides a voice that elicits a universal colonial experience and tradition, and addresses to a mutual language worldwide.

2. Satyagraha and Ahimsa by Mohandas Gandhi

Satyagraha was political philosophy of Gandhi. It was his tactic of peaceful activism. Satyagraha can be translated as passive or non violent resistance and militant nonviolence or direct action through non violence.

The philosophical system of Satyagraha is focused on the bases of nonviolent action and resistance. It is a procedure of social change that can be effectively implemented in all types of social and political disagreement. Satyagraha is a pattern of applied sociopolitical action comprising of a series of techniques that make use of a type of force that is dissimilar from traditional violent action. It is extremely valuable in implementation of change through moral compulsion and urging. Satyagraha practitioners adopt a variety of nonviolent techniques encompassing civil disobedience, economic ...
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