Social Diversity- Social Issues

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Social Diversity- Social Issues

Social Diversity- Social Issues


Considering the late 19th century and 20th century, it has been observed that Western cultures had to initiate with the technology, communication and military. This growth tends to give political power to the Western Culture and economic success for other cultures. As we all know that Western Culture got certain accomplishments other cultures at that time afraid of change and progression.


Loss of centeredness

Western cultures had their own ways and values as they were not ready to get on any change and modifications but, they were ready to create a decentering of own culture because they did not want to lose their identities. The globalization of the nineteenth century to the twentieth century showed that non-western culture was influenced by the western cultures by decentering of their own identities (Sayre, 2013). Talking about the 20th century, there were lot of changes in fashion, music, traditions and communications. Technology was started to advance by leaps and bounds. As we know that technology has been advanced then there was the major influence of technology in several sector and industries. Technology has been improved since 20th century and, reshaping the human values. The life had become easier as compared to the man of 18th century. The distances have been shortened and people travelled through different transports. The cultures and traditions of music and communication were transferred from one generation to another generation.

Western Cultural Influence in Africa

Now, it is important to talk about the culture that has the most influence of Western Culture. From the cultures, one culture that has the most influence of Western Culture was Africa. The impact of European culture on Africa was impressive as European culture has changed the life of African people. When considering the history of Africa, they had no lives as they did not know how to survive in the fast world. They lack behind in technologies and education (Bass, 2010). Moreover, they were not civilized. It is not good to blame the Africa but, it is the truth that Africa is the poorest continent of the world and, people of Africa striving hard to get food and drink in order to survive. European culture taught them many ways to live and earn. They had adopted the Western culture for their own benefit because, Europeans were considered as the civilized nation (Sayre, 2013). There was the trend of education and jobs in the Western Culture and, Europeans knew how to deal with the issues and challenges of life. African had the culture of trading their men as slaves because; in this way they get money for their living. They had weak traditions which were required to be finished. African had the trend to live in villages with long families and each village was leaded by a leader. African culture also consisted of dance and music. Africans were used to dance usually in nights and, they danced more when they found good agricultural progress in their village (Chabal, ...
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