Social Construction Of Disability

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Social Construction Of Disability


The issue of inclusion of people with special needs in all the resources of society people is still very incipient. National and international movements have sought a consensus to format a policy of inclusion of persons with disabilities in regular schools.

Fundamental steps must be taken to change the situation of marginalization of these people, such as a change of social vision, school inclusion, and compliance with current legislation, more funding for social programs, use of media, cyber culture and new technologies.

The international disability studies grew out of the 1980s. And as ethnic studies, women about sexuality or the disability studies also developed from a position of compromise and political activism that somehow promoted greater integration and enhancement in the treatment of human, civil and social rights for specific population groups. Since its politicization in the 1970s, disability activists and some disability organizations have become actors in defense of affirmative action; changes in national and international laws and more recently, many democratic governments have some sort of anti-discrimination law and protection of disabled people. At the forefront of the field of disability studies, the UK established the British Act of Chronic Illness and Disability in 1970, and the United States, the U.S. Rehabilitation Act in 1973.

In 1981, he was recognized by the United Nations (UN) the responsibility of governments to ensure equal rights for people with disabilities in a democratic framework of social, structural and policy adjustments to address the issue in the sphere of human rights. This recognition, expressed in the UN International Year for Disabled Persons, is the change in treatment of the subject of disability by international bodies. This policy shift was promoted on the one hand, the political activism of social movements and organizations of disabled persons, who fought against all forms of oppression, and on the other, by the entry of disability studies in academia.

The purpose of this article is to critically analyze how disability is socially constructed, to explore how issues identified affects or impact policy and practice in social work while examining diverse perspectives and how this may affect any group of service users in practice and your response as a social work practitioner


There are two different ways of understanding disability. The first states that disability is a manifestation of human diversity that demands social suitability for larger environments sensitivity to bodily differences. The second perspective argues that disability is a personal restriction that requires advances in medicine, rehabilitation and Genetics to offer suitable for improving the well-being treatment. When viewed as a natural handicap, disability has Biomedicine authority on the subject, allowing the improvement of living conditions of the people making use of medical intervention. As for the understanding of disability as a social disadvantage and a process of oppression by the body, the analytical and policy tools are in the social sciences and, under this assumption, the improvement of living conditions of people with disabilities would be possible with adaptations to environments social, making ...
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