Social Class Difference

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Impact of Social Class Difference on Student's Performance

Impact of Social Class Difference on Student's Performance


There is always a serious impact of the change and difference in social class on the performance of students. It has been always viewed that the students belonging to the middle class always tend to give the better performance in terms of academic records as compared to the students belonging to the business class. There is a great impact of the class on the student's academic performance. The social and cultural difference on the basis of the class they belong to plays a key role in the proper identification of the student's achievements. Various authors have conducted their studies on the role of class difference on student's performance and have derived the conclusion that there is a great impact of the student's class difference on their academic performance. Thus, there is a great need to consider the factors that play a key role in the development of student's motivation towards academic performance on the basis of their class difference. The main purpose of this paper is to throw light on the ways through which the class difference has an impact on the educational performance of students.


The education sector is facing an essence of discrimination since a long time. It has been observed that there is a change in the study behaviors between the middle class students and business class students. The middle class students are more oriented towards the education as compared to the business class students. It has been observed that the different reasons are present behind this classification of middle class students and business class student's academic performance. As per the different researchers, the main reason that the middle class students give better performance and bring good grades in their academic career is that the middle class students have complex and they want to gain success in comparison with the upper class students. The middle class students feel the discrimination in the classes and in order to avoid this discrimination and with the ambition of gaining success in the life, middle class students work more for the recognition and creation of their value in the class. In contrast, the business class students do not possess such complex. They are blessed with a higher standard of life; therefore, they do not prefer much to concentrate on their studies.

The provision of the quality education to all the social class groups is very essential. The educational authorities should also work to ensure quality. To do so, educational policy directs the actions to create conditions that are conducive to the achievement of these aspirations. It is necessary to evaluate whether the education system meets these two functions required for modeling descriptive, analytical and inferential and consider the variables that affect these processes. On the one hand, talk of equality of educational opportunity means that all students formally and legally have the same educational opportunities and to overcome those conditions there are some steps and strategies ...
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