Social Class

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Social Class

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The Social Class and the Daily Lives Of Children

The article tells about the living standards and the social live especially of the children. It is true that people specially African Americans face discrimination. The children of African American are not into their studies and are more unorganized as far as White Americans are concerned, thus, they have the dominancy over the unorganized African Americans An example relating to the point of the topic is the social class divisions are mostly based on Gender and race divisions, but now it has become a global issue. Globalization has also created tension between countries, as it is assumed that it has also created inequalities among societies.

After World War II, many visitors in America had to face a lot of social issues, as black Africans and other residents of the country, migrating to America faced several social issues. The complained about social injustice they were facing after World War II. The standard of living of the western countries also improved after World War II, but people witnessed a clear class bias in terms of employment opportunities, income and political participation. Workers witnessed a significant decline in their wages in that era. They also had to face a prolonged period of unemployment, where it was very difficult to find jobs, and people were also losing their jobs. With globalization theorists is widely acknowledged that the new inequality (Alexander, E. and S. Alexander, 1996).

It is argued that Globalization favors Developed nations, as they also benefit from the fact that cheap labor is readily available from developing countries. They can produce labor-intensive goods at a lower price than nations. Hence the labor in the developed countries is at disadvantages, as they not only lose their jobs and employment opportunities.  

It is assumed that against this economic logic of individual nations, no Protection through institutional or policy measures can be provided.  Competition in more and more global scale acts as a sort of universal acid that the different   union forms of national capitalism of the mid-20th Corrodes century (Lachman, 1998).

Supposedly sovereign states have no choice, but to accept the free market. Thus, a mechanism of "downward   Harmonization” is in progress" Each type of capitalism is in the melting pot thrown. In addition to creating greater inequality in primary income, globalization has also caused a significant impact on the secondary Income: Income coming from taxes on the additional earned income.  The countries pose taxes on the income of individuals, which is used for the development of infrastructure of the country. These countries always look for making infrastructural development with minimum cost, so they could benefit the situation.

These arguments have been put forward with great conviction and have a broad public attention drawn to them.  However, one can wonder how safe their theoretical   Scheme and empirical basis is especially true if, in the context of a larger loading   be seen as the realm of social science literature. These concepts not only create interests among individuals who want to ...
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