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Social Changes And Life

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Social Changes and Life

Social Changes and Life

Social Change

Social change means a change of any kind, taking place for some time in the social community, groups, institutions, organizations and societies in their relations with each other, as well as with individuals (Alvesson, 2008). Social development is seen as a special case of social change, with a focus towards improving/complications/progress or regress in the direction or just a simple social change. Thus, social changes, which include social progress, determine the development (Burrell & Morgan, 2008). It is also important to know that Social change at higher level usually lead changes in lower level. However, changes in lower level usually do not lead to changes at higher levels, unless these changes do not become widespread and are not cumulative. In fact, some sociologists identify different kinds of social change (Macdonald, 2005).

Classification of social change


Changes in the structure of different social transformation


Changes in the functions of particular social institutions and organizations


Social Changes in Military and Colin Powel's Career

There is no doubt about the fact that, emergence of the concept of social changes in military has resulted in various ways at various levels. In fact, social change proved to be a powerful tool to eradicate any inequalities concerning genders, race, culture, religion and languages in military of many developed as well as under-developed countries. In the case of United States Army, it has been that social changes brought many radical changes in overall organizational setup by recruiting women, particularly after the World War-II. The equal opportunity provision to women allowed many dynamic young women to serve in Army. In addition, the impact of social change in the United States' society also brought diversity by recruiting people from other races of cultural background. Cloin Powel's excellent as well as successful military career can ...
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