Social Causes Of The Drug Abuse

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Social Causes of the Drug Abuse

Social Causes of the Drug Abuse


There are various factors that encourage the drug abusing; they may be biological factors, psychological factors or social factors. The informative speech focuses on the social factors that influence the drugs addiction. There are mainly seven social causative factors that impact drug addiction. To better understand the phenomenon of Drug addiction and its causes, sociologists have proposed seven sociological theories to address the factors. The theories are; the anomic theory, the self-control theory, the social control theory, the social learning theory, the Socialization theory, the conflict theory and the social disorganization.

Anomic factor and theory

Robert K. Merton, in 1930s proposed an anomic theory based on deviant behaviors. The theory argues that the deviant behaviors in the materialistic, competitive and achievement-oriented societies arise because in such societies success is considered to be achievable by all members while in actual it's only attainable by the few members. Individuals, who failed, do not succeed or gave up achieving the society's success goals becomes deviant and get involve in activities such as drug addiction and crimes (Merton, 1957, pp. 153).

Social Control factors and theory

The theory of social control considers the cause of drug addiction and other deviant behavior is actually the absence of controls by society that encourages drug addiction. People who do not get engaged in such activities is due to their strong bonds or ties with the social institutions, beliefs, activities and some mainstream persons in their life. For the people who get engaged in drug addiction and other such activities mostly have the weaken bonds or even broken bonds. These people may or may not intentionally set themselves free from the social ties that release them from the rules and restrictions of the society (Hirschi, 1969).

Self-control factors and theory

The cause of drug addiction is the lack of control by parental socialization. The factor of social controls operates in the present while the lack of parental socialization in the past may influence the person for the lifetime. The parents who are unwilling or unable to monitor the behavior of their children and their involvement in the deviant activities, raise offspring who may get engage in the wrongdoings, indulge in drugs and crimes. The self-control is a factor that is more likely to arise in one's life at the early age, whereas the social controls may take place at any time in one's life (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990).

The Social learning factor or sub-cultural theories

The theory explains that the deviant behavior depends on the actions of rewarding and punishment on such behaviors. The factors of reward and punishment vary in different social circles, where certain behaviors are defined to be good or bad. The social circles or groups may expose the behavioral models and norms to the individuals. The social learning proposes that the extent to which a person is involved in wrongdoings depends on the behavioral models of certain groups that desire such behavior to some ...
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