Social Capital Power

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Social Capital Power

Social Capital Power


Over the past three decades, the two narratives are heard within the left. The first traditional prison model "in which the world understood as a place where people are struggling to make ends meet ... second story describes a world where the waste and excessive abound, where economic growth and development of control, where materialism and consumerism are coming from the values of community, and where widespread marketing is misleading the masses. Both the discourse taking place at left, but the best they contradictory and at worst inconsistent. Capitalism and the commercialization of long opposed to the "natural" life and sustainable lifestyles. Structural impact on the market society studied phenomenon for centuries the political and sociological thought. In short, market has been conceived as a structural force that promotes excess production and consumption as well as uneven distribution of rewards. That perspective was found in the ideas of famous critical thinkers such as Marx, Weber, Marcuse and Habermas.


This perspective usually associated inequality (and the need for redistribution) and materialism (and the need to reduce consumption) is closely together as a double negative consequences of the capitalist mode of production. Recent changes in anti-capitalist. There will come a time when it not simply in search of better productive practices, sustainability demands in fact, that people should change their attitude about material accumulation. The second point he raises is that more people are really starting to do just that. Subject to reject the unity between redistribution and anti-materialism, however. As can be seen in the quotation above, Hamilton notes that modern society finds himself in fetish with economic growth, such that even those who seek to alleviate the inequality ( redistribution on the left) rejected the idea of sustainability in favor of increasing production (Putnam, R. D. 2008 Pp. 22.).

The growth of an obsession, he says, makes the nation of workers trapped on the consumption treadmill, which encourages the individualization and undermines the community. Hamilton's ideas are not much original sociology (although they may make some economists turn your head). Nevertheless, he makes two clear points of interest. The first is that overproduction does not bode well for stability. There will come a time when it not simply in search of better productive practices, sustainability demands in fact, that people should change their attitude about material accumulation. The second point he raises is that more people are really starting to do just that. It testifies to the increasing rejection of material values in phenomenon of "down shift" in Australia. People choose less income and more free time with their families and communities (Hamilton, 2003a). Network of social capital Networks can be both open and closed. Network theorists have examined different types of social interactions, information flows, and levels of benefit that adhere to within these types.

Bourdieu notes that society is composed of a network (Bourdieu 1986), and that such social networks based on shared habits and cultural ...
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