Social Bandits And Celebrity Criminals

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Social Bandits and Celebrity Criminals

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Social Bandits and Celebrity Criminals


Social bandit also refers to social crime and this term is first used in 1959 by Eric Hobsbawm in his book “Primitive Rebels,” which is a study that includes illegal behavioural characteristics by means of law or popular forms of resistance. Moreover, Habsbawm in the year 1969 expanded the Bandits field of study. Social banditry is a prevalent observable fact, which has taken place in a number of societies all through history, as well as it still exists in the form of organized crime syndicates and piracy. Afterwards, social scientists have also argued about the applicability of this term in the context of the modern form of crime, for instance the economy related with the trade in unlawful drugs and street gangs.

The argument of Hobsbawn that a few persons in the history of politics and crime transcends the criminal status in order to represent the struggle of an oppressed group that has been attacked or reinforced by political scientists, anthropologists and historians. Given the interest of folklorists in the meanings of heroes, roles and origins, it is abnormal that folklorists have only slightly taken part in these discussions. This paper of outlaw put forward mediation between the differing extremities in these discussions.

A Rational Perspective: Social Bandits and Celebrity Criminals

The underlying and authority social bandits reading is Eric Hobsbawm (1965, 35-200; & 2000, 6-220).

Social Bandits' Key Characteristics

Eric Hobsbawm articulates that social bandits enclose a key characteristic that detached them from habitual criminals. The powerful and rich viewed them as offenders to be punished and hunted down. However, powerless and poor people consider them as heroes. He also demonstrates his credentials of Marxist and according to him social banditry is a class struggle primitive form, coupled with other similar forms of primitive (Hobsbawm, 1965, 35-200). Here, the question arises that why powerless and poor people are in favour of social bandits?

The Social Bandit and the Rational Explanation

The social bandit and rational reasoning given by Hobsbawm propose an explanation based on reason, despite the fact that he does not declare so clearly.

Social bandits obtained in which a central state has not expanded whatsoever or inadequate, as well as in a state has not succeed in one way or another. Consequently, it is very hard for powerless and poor people to get fairness, equality and justice when they are unlawful. Thus, powerless and poor people depend upon social bandits for equalization and rectification or they turn out to be social bandits themselves. Despite of the fact, Hobsbawm had by no means attended to her while he wrote Phoolen Devi book is definitely the exemplary social bandit (Phoolen, 1996, 55-500).

Thus, why does this consider as a rational description of popular prop up for social bandits, as well as why a number of people turn into social bandits. Hobsbawm is entailing, whether he determines to or not that powerless and poor people are working ...
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