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“Social Policy”

Social Policy


At the starting of the 100 years Britain was at conflict with Napoleonic France. In 1806, Napoleon handed out the Berlin Decree forbidding any homeland under his command from dealing with Britain.

Evaluate the implication of the industrialisation and urbanisation all through the late 18th and 19th century?

The British handed out Orders in Council, allocating the right to grab neutral boats compelled for French controlled ports. In 1815, the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) beaten Napoleon at Waterloo beside Brussels, and after the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Britain became the utmost and most rich power in Europe. The British controlled world trade. (Eastwood, 1994)

Victoria, female child of the Duke of Kent, a junior child of King George III, did well her uncle, William IV, in 1837. Her reign continued until her death in 1901, and it was assessed by a stable development of nationwide riches and expansion of the empire. Britain held the unchallenged place of world financial and political leadership. A well liked saying of the time was that the sun not ever set on the British Empire, which was so vast. (Eastwood, 1994)

In the 19th 100 years the domain encompassed India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, large components of Africa, and numerous lesser territories. In the second half of the 19th 100 years Britain was changed from an farming to a up to date developed country. George Stephenson (1781-1848) created the first locomotive which directed to development of an effective trains mesh endowing the fast transport of items and passengers. Population moved from the rural areas to cities. In commerce genuine salaries increase two-fold between 1860 and 1874. (Fraser, 1976, 59)


What were the key affairs that administered to the implementation of the poor guideline restructure advance {PLAA}? ALSO converse about what the foremost provisions of the PLAA were. Discuss if its implementation and development echoed the mind-set in the main heading of the poor all through the 18th and 19th Century.

Prior to 1834, the respite of shortage was left in the hands of one-by-one parishes but this design was considered to be dreadfully coordinated and it was advised that it administered to idleness amidst the poor. The 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act administered to direct and apparent investments and a very fast fall in the cost of respite in most localities because position on cause were made harsh. (Hammond, 1832, 15)


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