Smoking Cessation

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Health Promotion Program And Smoking Cessation

Health Promotion Program And Smoking Cessation


Smoking has adverse impact on the health and wellbeing of person and can lead to many acute to chronic health related diseases. Smoking cessation can be beneficial as it will stop the prevalence of health related risks and help improve the health of the smoker who wishes to quit smoke. Smoking cessation can be difficult for a person but appropriate assistance and guidance by GP, midwife and other healthcare professionals could be beneficial and helpful when it comes to stopping smoke in patients and people at practice. Though the role played by GP in smoke cessation is important and critical yet it is a brief one. Motivating smokers to quit smoking will reduce the demand for treatments and medication related to cardiovascular and respiratory tract diseases.


Tobacco and its addiction is considered to be the most challenging health related issue that needs to be reduced significantly through cessation and counselling made to motivate smokers quit smoking. Smoking increases mortality and morbidity rate due to different diseases that prevails due to smoking and tobacco addiction. The health of smokers, people around them particularly children and infants are subjected to higher health related risks due to smoking. Everyday nearly 1,260 people get admitted in the hospitals due to smoke related diseases and sickness (Smokefree NHS, 2012, p.3).

Role Of GP To Discourage Smoking

The role of midwife, GP and physician is very important when it comes to smoke cessation and advising patients to quit smoke. The advices made by GP especially motivate people to quit smoke. A brief and simple advice can help people to quit smoke, while more intensive form of advice from the physician may increase the chances of quitting. Follow up support along with the advice helps the patients quit smoke significantly (Stead, 2008, p. 2).

Government Strategies And Model Of Health Promotion

It has been observed through different and various researches that by 2030, the rapid rise in smoking will lead to devastating consequences and the addiction to tobacco would endanger the wellbeing of people. The increase would risk the health of the smokers and the prevalence of health related risks would prevail to a dangerous level (Abdullah & Husten, 2004, p.623). Health promotion programs at workplace and among people to reduce smoking habit encourages smokers to quit smoking and reduced the chances of exposure to second hand smoke.

Role Of Government In Cessation Of Smoke

Government has been taking stringent steps and measures to reduce smoking and tobacco related harm and to improve the health and wellbeing of people by reducing health disparities at all levels. In England alone, smoking has been prohibited in all enclosed public places and workplaces for it endangered the lives of not only the smokers but also those who were present in the surroundings. Failure to comply with the law is considered to be a huge offense (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2007, pp. 5). Government using its strategies and health promotion programs can ...
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