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A lot of people try to get over their addiction to smoking and nicotine and few people succeed, but those who do will tell you that it is not a very pleasant experience, but something that had to be done never the less. Nicotine like any other drug has the capability of imprisoning us in its spell and regardless of how hard we try to escape; we cannot run away from our own minds. Realization is slow and implementation is slower. However it is effective and it is the path to a healthier and longer life. No one else can do anything for you, if you are not willing yourself. Different products and seminars will be of no use if you yourself do not accept the fact that there is no easy way around this problem. Your body and mind are going to be tested but if you succeed in giving up your addiction to smoking and addiction, there is the promise of a better future.

Smoking; One Problem and One Solution

If you find yourself determined to quit but find yourself reaching for the cigarette packet every time you are frustrated or agitated for some reason then you are experiencing the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Your body is rejecting to your revolution and it is up to you to gather the strength and determination. With that being said, there are some things that you could use to help you get over our addiction to smoking and nicotine. Nicotine patches can be found at your neighborhood pharmacy and has to apply to a hairless region between your waist and neck. The idea is that it is going to release a small amount of nicotine into your blood steam and help diminish the nicotine cravings. The dosages are not very substantial but it does calm down the overwhelming urge. There are also similar products such as nicotine gum or lozenge. These are not as soothing and there is a specific method to chewing them. However, even though you may have to have dozens of these throughout the day, compared to a couple of dozens of cigarettes, this is a better alternative. There is countless piece of advice that a person could come across but there is no advice on how to cheat your own mind. You need to realize the illusion and grasp the reality that you do not need to smoke. Whatever ...
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