Smis Assignment

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SMIS Assignment

SMIS Assignment

This paper is based on a case study of EAT readymade food supplier. To make improvements in the management information system of EAT's branches eight critical areas have been identified that shall need to be focused on. The critical areas are further divided in to four groups. These groups are critical for the company in achieving effective and successful management of Information Systems in EAT's all branches, headquarters and its Central kitchen.

1. Decision Making

1.1. Business Intelligence

The tern business intelligence (BI) refers to (, n.d);

1.A set of business processes to collect and analyze strategic information.

2.Technology used to make these processes,

3.The information obtained as a result of these processes.

In business vocabulary BI is nothing new: since time immemorial companies derive from their business processes to draw conclusions about their business. BI has so do next to nothing to do with IT. This is also a handwritten note from the work about the numbers of daily production is basically nothing more than business intelligence: the information on business productivity and in this way to reach the decision makers.

More Data Accumulation

EAT must gather explosively increasing volumes of data, that is nowadays highly required to have a more extensive and sophisticated reporting forms. The manual handwritten note or manual data entry on the desktop computer is merely not enough to understand one's own business and the underlying relationships.

Therefore, the industry has been revolutionized in recent years that have established IT-based BI systems in enterprises. Today's BI platforms collect the relevant data from all business sectors and other key data sources such as market data and put them together in an automatically structured way, user-friendly and graphically processed way on request. However, by interlinking the different data it can be formed into valuable information for the company. For example, by reviewing reports that has been created recently, the newly information available can be acquired at a glance without manually searching for the data from various data sources and platforms.

Business Intelligence crafted

The business intelligence draft may provide complete information to the top management with full over view regarding the business objectives, goals and where the company is standing at the moment. Thus, accordingly decision shall be made to plan strategies to achieve desired goals.

Each branch unit of EAT with all its subdivisions must provide facts and figures regarding sales, but these may be partly different from each other. Since, branches are located at different regions, so it may effect on the sales depending on their population size and, taste and other factors. On top of that the data is accumulated through various IT oriented software that may reflect the figures regarding demand, sales, demand forecast and potential customers in future via different IT systems, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP, accounting software etc.

Business Intelligence proceeds

IT-based Business Intelligence proceeds in a different way. It is important to distinguish between different steps in the Business Intelligence process. The following chart can serve as a framework for ...
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