Smile Design

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Smile Design: Clinical Applications

Aesthetic Mock-up


To look pretty is a human nature. No one deny by this fact that the handsome personality depends on handsome looks. Face plays an essential role for determination of your inside. As we know that there are billions of human being exists on this planet, despite having same features every face has a different look and different charm in its own way. Facial expressions play a vital role in communication. Smile is one of the foremost factors in knowing someone's happiness without the help of words. In this recent era, the general public is becoming more knowledgeable about the significance of facial aesthetics in their professional as well as personal lives. (Sheets 1987, pp. 103-105) Eyes the beautiful creature of God, through which we can see His beautiful universe, according to some people, plays an important role in facial expressions, whereas in the opinion of others mouth play a significant role (Terry & Brady 1976). Due to this reason people become extremely conscious about their facial aesthetic, because if someone is pretty fine, his/her confidence level enhances. That is why people are attracting more and more towards dentist and specially this mode of making themselves look pleasant. Beautiful smile is also considered as the key of success because due to this quality people will interact with you more, as they find you kind and soft. Smile leaves an overall soft image impact.


Greet the patient

When a patient enters the practice area greet him or her, and pass a smile in order to create the patient friendly environment and to make the patient feel comfortable. Then ask him/her that how do you feel about your smile? His/her answer will reflect that what his expectations about this procedure are. Then observe that which type of correction does his smile window needed.

Ask and select gently

Inquire patient about his or her views about the features. Most people think that their unsuccessful life and relationships are tempered due to their unpleasant facial appearance. This condition in medical terms is known as “Dysmorphophobia”. Due to this condition people want prompt treatment so that their looks become fine as they needed, but as a dentist do make sure that the treatment procedure should be choose gently so that any mishap can be avoided. (Hertrich et al 1990)

Factors to be Considered

The things to be considered in smile design are:

Facial shape

If someone has long shape face, width should be highlighted so that it appears more attractive. A person need bold central incisors if he or she has centrally beautiful features so that attention remains focused in the centre of the face.

Image Aspiration

First determine that what type of image a patient wants. A gentle smile leaves an impact of intelligent look. This will be decided by asking the patient about his priorities, may be he or she is a business man/woman and want to leave a gentle and kind bossy impression. Determination of age

Longer central incisors and whiter teeth make a patient look younger, whereas less white ...