Smartboard Technology

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SmartBoard Technology


In this paper we try to focus on the use of SmartBoard technology in language arts instruction effects student engagement and achievement. This paper mainly covers the Introduction Background and Importance of the Study, Review of Related Literature, Data Collection, and Data Analysis and in last Final thoughts. In this paper we try to cover the importance of using SmartBoard technology in language arts. SmartBoard tools are the start center, the search engine, shade screen, magnifying glass, and the floating box of tools, the virtual keyboard player and video recorder. The SmartBoard interactive whiteboard works with any program downloaded or available on the main computer. Some commonly used applications with the interactive whiteboard are Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word and AutoCAD. Uses for the SmartBoard interactive whiteboard include teaching, training, conducting meetings and presentations supplies. Educators are the majority of users as of 2007, more than 800,000 SmartBoard interactive whiteboards have been sold in over 100 countries. As presentation, communication, and remote collaboration tool, the SmartBoard interactive whiteboard also has applications for business and government.

SmartBoard Technology


When school district administrators understand that technology is playing a major role in the lives of their students, they are more likely to commit resources to technology in the classroom. Twenty-first century students require highly developed critical thinking skills and the capability to sort through large amounts of information to decipher what is important. These skills students apply to current technology, especially through Web 2.0 tools. The SmartBoard creates a classroom environment that integrates those needed skills and technology together as one. Teachers encourage students by developing lessons and units involving current technologies.

No longer do students win awards just for academics and sports. Technology contests, which include texting, boast national titles. Kate Moore, a 15 year old from Des Moines, became the national texting champion on June 16, 2009. When reporters asked about her 14,000 texts each month, she declared she used texts as a skill to study for exams. Kate enjoyed studying through use of texting because she looked back at previous messages to review. Technology plays an important role in students' lives. The example provides support for implementing current technology into the classroom (Cogill, 2003).


The SmartBoard was originally created for office environments. The SmartBoard represented new technology for the classroom at the time of this research. The device is a large, touch sensitive board that controls a computer connected to a digital projector (Smith, Higgins, Wall, & Miller, 2005). The SmartBoard was the first and most widely used installed interactive whiteboard in the world.

The company that created the SmartBoard was founded in 1987, and in 1991 created the first interactive whiteboard. Though the SmartBoard was created in 1991, it did not start making appearances in school settings until 2001. Smart Technologies introduced the first SmartBoard interactive 1991. It was the first interactive whiteboard to provide touch control of computer applications and standard Microsoft Windows applications (Mackall, 2004).

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine how the use ...
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