Small Business Enterprise

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Small Business Enterprise

Executive Summary

This paper is all about managing changes within the small business enterprises. The small business selected for the purpose of discussion is the burger shop. The paper talks about different and important aspects associated with the planning, implementation and management of underlying changes within the burger shop to regain its lost position and to start earning handsome revenues again. The existing performance of the burger shop is getting worse day by day. Located on the high street; the burger shop tends to provide high quality burgers at premium prices. The performance of the burger shop as discussed above was phenomenal till last year. However, after that, the burger shop has been witnessing various problems in reaching the figures of the revenues it used to earn before. The revision of plans and incorporation of desired changes is extremely important for the purpose of bringing about a positive change within the burger shop. The first and foremost change that I intend to propose is the change within the business objective and the business plans. Other offerings might include chicken, pork, fish, and vegetable and turkey burgers. Additional sidelines like chicken wings, variety of salad and brownies must also be added. The pricing of the burger shop must be changed from premium pricing to being affordable to all. The impact of proposed changes on the business and personnel of the business seems to be positive enough. The changes being made within the burger shop are essentially related to the satisfaction of internal and external customers.

Executive Summary1


Task Three3

3.1 Assessment of Existing Performance3

3.2 Revision of Plans and Incorporation of Changes5

3.3 Action Plan to Implement Changes6

Task Four8

4.1 Impact of Proposed Changes on Business and Personnel8

4.2 Management of the Proposed Changes9

4.3 Improvements in Performance over Next Six Months10

Learner's Outcomes or Self Evaluation11



Small Business Enterprise


This paper intends to produce as assessment of a 'Burger Shop.' I have chosen the business of a burger shop because I find the business to be more interesting and more relevant to discuss. This particular paper will revise the business plans of a burger shop for the purpose of incorporating appropriate changes. An action plan will also be provided to successfully implement the suggested changes. After proposing the changes, its impact over the business and its personnel will be analysed. The management of the changes and any underlying improvements within the proposed changes will be examined over the period of six months. The purpose of this particular paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of making associated changes within the businesses in order to make the performance of the business even more enhanced. The paper intends to outline important aspects of proposing, implementing and managing change within the successful businesses.

Task Three

3.1 Assessment of Existing Performance

The existing performance of the burger shop is getting worse day by day. Located on the high street; the burger shop tends to provide high quality burgers at premium ...
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