Small Business Enterprise

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Small Business Enterprise


This paper focuses on the analysis of a small business within the beauty and holistic therapy industry. The paper discusses the method employed to investigate the performance of the business, along with tools used for the purpose of measuring the performance of the business. Furthermore, the paper also identifies the different strengths of the organization that can be used for the benefit of the organization, along with the identification of the weaknesses of the organization that should be avoided. Moreover, recommendations on what needs to be done by the organization. In the end, the paper also presents revised objectives and plans for the client organization to adopt, which can help them in achieving success and performing with its fullest potential.

Table of Contents



The methodology you have used to investigate and consider the performance (financial and market share) of her business4

Tools you have used to measure the performance of her business9

The strengths of her business, which she needs to capitalize upon12

The weaknesses that she needs to overcome12


Revised Objectives and Plans14


Small Business Enterprise


Every business, irrespective of its initial size can be a success. With proper management, proper techniques, advertizing and an undying will, businesses can go from the suburban environment to Wall Street. 'Rags to riches' is just not a cliché, it can become a reality if the business owners truly want to taste success. In the case provided, one of the biggest problems faced by the small business was that of human resource and its management. The staff was not fully trained as compared to that of the competition. They lacked specific work related skills and people skills. In the field of beauty and holistic services, staff directly deals with customers and thus is a direct representation of the organization's quality, values and beliefs. Furthermore, since clients were not satisfied with the services, business owners faced an increasing cost in an effort to please their customers. This paper takes a closer look at the business, its weakness, a few recommendations and a revised plan to tackle the business's shortcomings.

The methodology you have used to investigate and consider the performance (financial and market share) of her business

The effectiveness of the organization is determined by a number of indicators. To evaluate the effectiveness of the firm only for its economic achievements - for example, profits earned from activities - not enough. Enormous profits can be obtained based on the brutal exploitation of employees, and based on modern methods of production with the use of socio-psychological factors. For us, it is important to study the second, humane ways of achieving efficiency (Ibis World, 2012a). The effectiveness of the organization is assessed comprehensively, in terms of the two blocks.

The first block includes the objective (economic) indicators:

Effectiveness. According to this index is evaluated, whether the organization achieved its goals.

Performance. This figure reveals the goal is reached through a minimal labor costs.

Productivity. According to this index is estimated quantity and quality.

Profitability. It is a measure of profitability in the total turnover from the acquisition ...
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