Slp Mod 1 - Discrimination, Retaliation & The Law

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SLP Mod 1 - Discrimination, Retaliation & the Law

SLP Mod 1 - Discrimination, Retaliation & the Law

Question One:

Do you think there will ever be equal employment in the workforce?


Personally, I do not think that there will ever be equal employment in the workforce. Despite all the efforts and Acts being passed to eliminate discrimination from the workforce; there still remains the underlying discrimination which hinders the equal employment within the workforce. The gap between the men and women employment might decrease but the employment can never be equal.

Question Two:

Do you think there is a correlation between how women are treated in society and how women are treated in workforce?


I do not really think that there is a correlation between how women are treated in society and how women are treated in the workforce. Women are generally respected within the society and they are not discriminated in everyday chores. However, there is a discriminated treatment towards women in the workforce.

Question Three:

What recommendations do you have for women in the workforce?


I would like to recommend the women in the workforce to remain knowledgeable about their rights they have been provided with the legislation of the country. There are several laws which ensure proper treatment with the women in the workforce and women must be aware of their rights. Also, women must take proper legal actions against employers who discriminate against women on the basis of their gender so to discourage this attitude in future.

Question Four:

Do you think there will be a new glass ceiling in the future? If so, who will it impact?


I really do not think that there will be a new glass ceiling in the future. We live in a society in which everything seems to be transparent and every citizen is essentially aware about their ...