Sleeping Beauty And Its Authenticity

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Sleeping Beauty and its Authenticity

Sleeping Beauty and its Authenticity

Historical Connotations

Dance is considered as one of the oldest arts, originating since the human being has seen his body instinctively. The history of dance is concerned with the development bracketing to centuries and in different parts of the world. This particular form of artistic expression that uses the movement of the body on the basis of an internal rhythm, which can be (or not) suggested or inspired by music sources. The discipline of historiography concerning the dance, however, is of relatively recent origins. Only in the twentieth century began studies specifically dedicated to this art, thanks to the different consideration that it has been buying in the past: no more “little sister” of the music, but human self-expression and art with its own dignity. As a result the first publications appeared in history, both as regards the field of research in anthropology, both for the one around the social customs and traditions through the centuries and in different parts of the world, both as regards the dance as an art of the show (Grau 2012, 1-2).

Dance is the first artistic expression of the human race because he has the body as a medium of expression. All other arts in fact provide for the use of objects that act as instruments, with the exception of that song, such as dance, makes use of a tool body. Dance is an integral part of the rituals, is the form of prayer, it is time to gather the community in the popular festivals and occasion of aggregation among people in general. Over the centuries it has always been a mirror of society, thought and human behaviour. In addition, the dance is the only art that makes use of together time and space. So the story of the dance is a vast discipline and respect ethnic and popular expressions, the dances of the company (history of social dance), and the dance as a performing art, which until the twentieth century was about the only theatre and more recently, the film and television (Foster 2010, 25-29). Since the focus of this paper tends to be on Sleeping Beauty, therefore, it is imperative to infuse the notion of sleeping beauty in the context of this paper.

3 Sleeping Beauties “pas de deux”

They dance for them various characters: Puss in Boots and the White Cat, Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, Cinderella and Prince Fortune, Blue Bird and Princess Florine, courtiers and courtesans. Finally Aurora and Désiré dance a Grand pas de deux and the whole dance one mazurka. The prince and princess are married, with lilac fairy blessing the union. The ballet ends with an apotheosis (apotheosis) in which all the characters make a final bow. The music ordered from Peter Tchaikovsky, who at that time had already won the score for “Swan Lake “. In the case of “Sleeping Beauty” Tchaikovsky worked a bit different than it was with his first ballet (Banes ...