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Sleep is essential to life and plays a role in many physiological and psychological functions, such as tissue repair, growth, consolidation of memory and learning. Although sleep needs vary from one adult to another, experts believe that sleep deprivation regularly (less than 7 hours per night) over time can have adverse effects on the brain and body. Sleep deprivation is a particular problem for workers and students whose periods of sleep are insufficient due to their working hours or, conversely, have leisure activities that extend. A night worker is still deprived of sleep until he could sleep, that is to say, after over. Thus, the workers and students who's working and studying hours are irregular with different degrees of sleep deprivation in their daily lives, it is important to take steps to address the adverse effects of sleep deficiency (William, pp. 1).

It is common for college students to experience distorted practices of sleep if they leave their homes and dormitories during the school day. Their sleep may be affected by abnormal times, which vary from host activities of classes, work or social. Students may also find themselves staying awake during the night to put in and study their lessons, because of exams. Too do the party may also be the cause of sleep deprivation, because alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns. Several students also attest that they have a hard time falling asleep because they are worried about finding a job and also secure their future after college.”


Students who have lost their sleep for reasons might be unnecessarily harm their body. Students cannot get enough rest can deal with the consequences of long distance vertigo. Seizures, heart attacks and stroke are the likely consequences of sleep deprivation. The suspect is the common stimulant drinks they consume such as sodas, coffee and energy drinks. Consumption of such beverages can cause worst sleep problem. Many solutions are recommended by doctors for sleep deprivation with college students. Exercise is one of the recommendations, it can establish healthy sleep habits and it can make students fall asleep easily. Similarly, the sleep deprivation disrupts metabolic activity of the Adolescents and, College Students. Similar changes are seen in people whose sleep patterns change, such as in young children. The normal body functions are disrupted by lack of sleep, resulting in a number of metabolic consequences.A study of large populations has shown the existence of a direct relationship between habitual sleep times which reduces the increase in body mass index (BMI). Research suggests that reducing the duration o f sleep disrupts the hormones that regulate appetite by decreasing leptin levels (a hormone that reduces appetite) and increased levels of ghrelin (a hormone that stimulates appetite). These effects were observed when sleep duration is less than 8 hours. This suggests that sleep deprivation is a risk factor for obesity. A controlled study performed on male subjects in good health found that shorter sleep such as less than of four hours cause increased hunger with an appetite for a meal ...
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