Slavery In The American Nation

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Slavery in the American Nation

Slavery in the American Nation


For Black people, slavery in America has a multitude of negative images. What the blacks and other people living in America fail to realize is that slavery has played a tremendous role in the making of America. The various economic developments that have been made through slavery have propelled America in to being a super power economically. There are various national quarters that have denied the positive contributions of slavery to the national economy. These denials have found acceptance within both the black and white community. Those that deny the positive contributions of slavery to the making of America, do so out of hypocritical interests. It is saddening to see blacks resorting to all means in vying for national respect. What these ignorant blacks do not know is that they actually own a sizeable down payment of acceptance and respect through the blood, sweat and tears of slaves (Neely, 2009).

The first slave ship bound for America, docked on the shore of America in 1619. Thus, the first free labor arrived in the United States. The importation of slaves into the United States continued until 1860. This is despite the fact that the importation of slaves had been outlawed in 1808. The imported slaves continued to give birth to more slaves that worked to industrialize America. Until the civil war and the emancipation of slavery in America, slavery contributed to the growth of the American nation in tremendous ways. Slavery was a legalized institution in America for close to 250 years (Berlin, 2004). During this time, slavery donated close to 605 billion hours of unpaid labor. This free labor funded the industrial revolution after successfully birthing the agrarian revolution. This slave labor is responsible for financing the two world wars, majority of the fortune 500 companies and the civil war. The only thing to be regretted of the slavery in America is, because, it has left a negative sociological impact on the black race in America.


Slavery was remarkable in the making of contemporary America. It has been responsible for the agrarian revolution in America to the industrial revolution in America. The use of slave soldiers helped to end the colonization of America. In other words, Slave soldiers were active in the defeat of Britain during the war of independence of America. The essay is going to prove these historical observations hereunder (Kulikoff, 1986).

Slaves were brought in droves and sold mostly in the southern states of America. Others were sold in the northern states of America. These slaves, especially those in the south, were engaged in plantation farming. It has been observed by historians that the growth of plantation farming in America is due to the labor donated by slaves. In these plantations, they engaged in heavy manual labor for their masters. They used to wake up in the morning and work up to 9.00 pm in the plantations. These slaves were growing cash crops such as Tobbaco, sugarcane, wheat and latter cotton (Rodriguez, ...
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