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Second Language Learner

Second Language Learner


There are various theories used by the teachers for teaching second language. In this paper two of the theories will be discussed to have better understanding about how some learners are able to get success and other fails. The main ways will be discussed in which individual learners are seen with the help of these theories. Influence of these theories on teaching second language will also be evaluated. Theories play significant role in achieving successful results. Furthermore, this paper this paper will also discuss the practical implications of these theories (Cook 2008)

The Acquisition Learning

The purpose of taking this theory is that in recent years the role of input and interaction is considered as important variable in successful SLA. It is one of the most fundamental hypotheses in Krashen's theory. It is also known as linguists and language practitioners. According to the theory of Krashen there are two independent system of second language learning. One is the acquired system and other is the learned system. The acquisition process is the part of subconscious process and it is very similar to the process through which children go during their learning of first language. The requirement of acquisition learning is meaningful interaction in the specific language. The communication is done in a natural way which means that speakers must not concentrate on the form of utterances but in the communicative act. On the other hand, learned system is the part of formal instructions. It is comprise of conscious process which result in conscious knowledge. It is less important than acquisition (Ferris 1996, p. 297)

The Monitor hypothesis describes the association between learning and acquisition. It also defines the influence of the latter on the former. It is also considered as a practical result of the learned grammar. The theory of Krashen explains that acquisition is the utterance initiator and learning performs the role of monitor or editor. The acts of monitor are in planning, correcting and editing functions. It is done when the specific conditions are met. There are three specific conditions; the learner of second language has sufficient time at her disposal. Second is that the learner focuses on forms and improve by correcting mistakes and the last is that learner must be aware of all the rules (Kenyon 2000). In this theory it is explain that role of conscious mind limits the learner to learn second language and affect the performance of learner. It is also suggested that the role of monitor must be limited and the purpose of using it must be used for specific purpose. The specific purpose can be correcting deviations from normal speech towards polished speech. In practical life there is lot of variations in the language learners with regards to use monitor (Ellis 2005, p. 209).

The natural order hypothesis is based on the findings of many researches. According to all the studies the acquisition of grammatical structures follows a natural order and that is predictable. It also depends upon the ...
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