Skinner And Behavioral Analysis

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Skinner and Behavioral Analysis


This paper evaluates and examines contribution made by B. F. Skinner's contributions to the field of applied behavior analysis, mainly to evaluate his responsibility while working as the field inventor and creator. In the initial section of this report, it was analyzed that Skinner contribution in the field is related to five diversified categories that are as follows. Firstly, in method of approaching and depth in the knowledge over his field, his ability of interpreting between typical and atypical behavior human, the observations author calculated with the help of his command over his field, his observation regarding the development of probable resources, and others. On the other section of this report, we have explained that the author has openly explained entire seven innovative aspects of behavioral analysis. However despite of inventing these dimensions and principles he was observed of never using these sources in any of his field work, and most importantly, he did not ever wished to take advantage of being the founder of the company, but was and will be known as the father of applied behavior analysis

Skinner and Behavioral Analysis


Skinner (1904-1990) has made numerous contributions that have being viewed as philosophical and realistic, and it is because if these contribution he was remembered as the most reputed and well-known psychologist of the twentieth century (Catania, 2003). Several scholars of the globe has praised the contribution made by Skinner in the field of behavior analysis, for instance, he was the founder of experimental analysis of behavior, by using his empiricist tenets and innovative techniques in the field of science he drafted the philosophy-radical behaviorism.

On the other hand, Skinner with the help of new technologies, integration, and proper promotion reformulated both the initial tools with the aim of improving their results. In year 1985, with the objective of enhancing the concept of psychology he invented the new and improved system of psychology. Meanwhile, level of confusion still prevails over the founder of applied behavior analysis as some argue the Skinner is the originator, whereas other argues that it was formulated by other individual.

Meanwhile, researchers (Marr, 2003) have come across with diversified literature during the course of their research work, for instance, in some literature it has been disclosed that Skinner has made no contribution in the field of applied contributions, whereas other literature have provided comprehensive evidence disclosing high-level of contribution from the Skinner. This extensive diversification in available literature can be understood from the following examples

According to (Baldwin & Baldwin, 2001, p. vii) explained that work of Skinner was majorly related to daily life style, which increased the level of interest of several individual belonging to different fields in implementing the principles of behavior into the wide-range of their field life. Similarly, according to (Pierce &Cheney, 2004, p. 10) skinner work on applied technology guided him towards the field of applied behavior and analysis.

It was observed that prevailing difference in literature is mainly because most of these authors has explain general ...
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